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O Youtube

Youtube je jeden z největších serverů pro sdílení video souborů. Tento server byl založen v roce 2005 zaměstnanci firmy PayPal a následně v roce 2006 zakoupen společností Google za 1,65 miliardy dolarů. Zpočátku Youtube sloužilo pro publikování převážně domácích videí, postupem času ale přibyly hudební videoklipy nebo filmy. V současné době nelze opominout ani nový fenomén, youtubery. Jedná se o mladé tvůrce tematických videí, kteří budují komunitu svých fanoušků skrze svůj profil na Youtube. Celkově lze říci, že Youtube je již v dnešní době nepostradatelná služba, která měla např. v roce 2015 dvě miliardy přístupů denně, a za každou minutu nahrají uživatelé 300 hodin nových videí.Youtube je druhou nejnavštěvovanější službou světa.

Cirrus SR22 - Inside a Real Emergency Over Illinois - Electrical Failure


After Oshkosh 2018, Miss Grace needed some repairs. A Cirrus Center at Chicago Executive airport changed the starter adapter, the faulty EGT probe and the battery, plus adjusted the prop governor and did an oil change as well. As you will see many compound issues led to me declaring an emergency about 40 minutes South of Chicago. The suspicion of a very serious electrical problem was very vivid in my mind and it turned out to be a very true situation that I'm glad I got myself out of. What would you do in this situation? Would you have continued the flight with only Alternator 2? Would you not declare an emergency? Share your opinion. Special thanks to ATC for their great help and the nice people at Danville airport for going out of their way to help out as much as they could. Also, I need to mention how incredibly supportive Cirrus has been for me and Miss Grace while dealing with this issue. I cannot thank Cirrus Aircraft enough for being there and giving me access to their top engineers. Thank you for watching! -------------------------------------------------------------------- I am NOT a Certified Flight Instructor and my videos are not for instruction purposes. The video is intended for my own personal experiences and for entertainment purposes only. Do not use my video content as information about how to fly an airplane. To properly learn how to fly you MUST visit your local flight school and work with an experienced Certified Flight Instructor. Music by Epidemic Sound ( Also follow me on: Instagram FACEBOOK Web

Poslední stažení před chvílí

But how does bitcoin actually work?


The math behind cryptocurrencies. Help fund future projects: An equally valuable form of support is to simply share some of the videos. Special thanks to these supporters: This video was also funded with help from Protocol Labs: Some people have asked if this channel accepts contributions in cryptocurrency form. As a matter of fact, it does: ENS: 3b1b.eth 2^256 video: Music by Vincent Rubinetti: Here are a few other resources I'd recommend: Original Bitcoin paper: Block explorer: Blog post by Michael Nielsen: (This is particularly good for understanding the details of what transactions look like, which is something this video did not cover) Video by CuriousInventor: Video by Anders Brownworth: Ethereum white paper: Timestamps: 0:00 - Introduction 2:25 - Ledgers and digital signatures 7:21 - The ledger is the currency 10:06 - Decentralization 12:26 - Cryptographic hash functions 14:38 - Proof of work and blockchains 19:42 - Double spending 21:41 - Block times, halvenings, and transaction fees 24:40 - Thanks Thanks to these viewers for their contributions to translations Italian: @lcl45 ------------------ Animations are largely made using manim, a scrappy open-source python library. If you want to check it out, I feel compelled to warn you that it's not the most well-documented tool, and has many other quirks you might expect in a library someone wrote with only their own use in mind. Music by Vincent Rubinetti. Download the music on Bandcamp: Stream the music on Spotify: If you want to contribute translated subtitles or to help review those that have already been made by others and need approval, you can click the gear icon in the video and go to subtitles/cc, then "add subtitles/cc". I really appreciate those who do this, as it helps make the lessons accessible to more people. ------------------ 3blue1brown is a channel about animating math, in all senses of the word animate. And you know the drill with YouTube, if you want to stay posted on new videos, subscribe, and click the bell to receive notifications (if you're into that). If you are new to this channel and want to see more, a good place to start is this playlist: Various social media stuffs: Website: Twitter: Patreon: Facebook: Reddit:

Poslední stažení před 45 minutami

The REAL story About the Crash that Killed Concorde! | Air France flight 4590


Thanks to Curiosity Stream for sponsoring today’s video. Go to and use code MENTOURPILOT to save 25% off today, that’s only $14.99 a year. Check out this video about pilots playing around in their aircraft, next: On the 25th of July 2000 the world changed forever. With the first fatal crash of a Concorde since it first came into service, the confidence in the worlds only super sonic passenger jet was shattered. But what actually happened on during that fateful takeoff of Air France Flight 4590 in Charles de Gaulle Airport in France? What cased the huge fire and the eventual loss of controls? In this video I will go to the bottom of all the little details that led up to this crash, I hope you will find it interesting. If you want to support the work I do on the channel, join my Patreon crew and get awesome perks and help me move the channel forward! 👇 👉🏻 Get the Mentour Aviation app and discuss what You think about this! Download the app for FREE using the link below 👇 📲 📲 Join the Mentour Pilot Discord server here! 👉🏻 I have also created an Amazon page with Aviation books, material and flight simulator stuff that I think you will enjoy! 👉🏻 Follow my life on instagram and get awesome pictures from the cockpit! 📲 To find the right HEADSET for YOU, check out BOSE Aviation 👉🏻 Artwork in the studio 👉🏻 Get some Awesome Mentour Pilot merch 👉🏻 Below you will find the links to videos and sources used in this episode. Enjoy checking them out! Concorde 1969: @ André Cros Concorde 1969 2: @ AFP 2021 CDG: @ NEW NEWS airfrance check in: @ Aircraft Maintenance @ Memorial site: @ Christopher P. Hood Wires: @ Concorde in flight: 9-11: @ AP Photo/Chao Soi Cheong!/quality/90/? Last Concorde: @ Pedro Aragão,_British_Airways_JP6199717.jpg CFA1VX7XZ1G8FFY7   00:00 - Intro 00:36 - A Marvel of Engineering 03:36 - The Fuel System 04:41 - Performance Penalty 06:13 - Cockpit Inspections 07:11 - Engines Start 08:28 - The DC-10 10:40 - The Taxi to 26-R 13:51 - The Line Up 15:05 - 121 Seconds 19:03 - Watch Out! 23:08 - Airborne 25:33 - Uncommanded Roll 27:13 - Too Late 27:13 - The Jigsaw Begins 30:00 - Offset Landing Gear? 31:55 - The DC-10 / Continental Airlines 32:58 - Crew Performance 34:30 - Conclusions

Poslední stažení před hodinou

ETIHAD AIRBUS A380 Takeoff Abu Dhabi | Flight Deck GoPro View


Just Planes has 6 cameras in the cockpit of the ETIHAD AIRWAYS Airbus A380 for a roundtrip from Abu Dhabi to Paris CDG. In this video you can see everything from 1 of those cameras from pushback to taxi to takeoff and climbout. ================================================= DOWNLOAD THE FULL 4 HOUR COCKPIT FILM ================================================= Just Planes is thrilled to welcome Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, to our Flight in the Cockpit series! For this film we will fly with Captain Sophie and First Officer Shaima on the Airbus A380 roundtrip from Abu Dhabi to Paris CDG. Each of the ladies will operate one of the flights, explain and present all their work, the aircraft they fly and talk about their career and how they ended up on the A380. The cabin crew will also give you a tour of the absolutely superb cabin including the unique Residence which features a bedroom, the First Apartment, the Bar and more... + Cockpit filming using up to 6 cameras! + Flight Preparations + Cockpit Set-up + Briefings + Checklists + Cockpit Presentation + Extermal Walkaround + Depature & Arrival Airport Charts + Pilot Presentations + Cabin Presentation FILM TRAILER DOWNLOAD STORE JUST PLANES #etihad #a380 #abudhabi

Poslední stažení před chvílí

Cirrus SR22 - Inside a Real Emergency Over Illinois - Electrical Failure


After Oshkosh 2018, Miss Grace needed some repairs. A Cirrus Center at Chicago Executive airport changed the starter adapter, the faulty EGT probe and the battery, plus adjusted the prop governor and did an oil change as well. As you will see many compound issues led to me declaring an emergency about 40 minutes South of Chicago. The suspicion of a very serious electrical problem was very vivid in my mind and it turned out to be a very true situation that I'm glad I got myself out of. What would you do in this situation? Would you have continued the flight with only Alternator 2? Would you not declare an emergency? Share your opinion. Special thanks to ATC for their great help and the nice people at Danville airport for going out of their way to help out as much as they could. Also, I need to mention how incredibly supportive Cirrus has been for me and Miss Grace while dealing with this issue. I cannot thank Cirrus Aircraft enough for being there and giving me access to their top engineers. Thank you for watching! -------------------------------------------------------------------- I am NOT a Certified Flight Instructor and my videos are not for instruction purposes. The video is intended for my own personal experiences and for entertainment purposes only. Do not use my video content as information about how to fly an airplane. To properly learn how to fly you MUST visit your local flight school and work with an experienced Certified Flight Instructor. Music by Epidemic Sound ( Also follow me on: Instagram FACEBOOK Web

Poslední stažení před chvílí

ETIHAD AIRBUS A380 Takeoff Abu Dhabi | Flight Deck GoPro View


Just Planes has 6 cameras in the cockpit of the ETIHAD AIRWAYS Airbus A380 for a roundtrip from Abu Dhabi to Paris CDG. In this video you can see everything from 1 of those cameras from pushback to taxi to takeoff and climbout. ================================================= DOWNLOAD THE FULL 4 HOUR COCKPIT FILM ================================================= Just Planes is thrilled to welcome Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, to our Flight in the Cockpit series! For this film we will fly with Captain Sophie and First Officer Shaima on the Airbus A380 roundtrip from Abu Dhabi to Paris CDG. Each of the ladies will operate one of the flights, explain and present all their work, the aircraft they fly and talk about their career and how they ended up on the A380. The cabin crew will also give you a tour of the absolutely superb cabin including the unique Residence which features a bedroom, the First Apartment, the Bar and more... + Cockpit filming using up to 6 cameras! + Flight Preparations + Cockpit Set-up + Briefings + Checklists + Cockpit Presentation + Extermal Walkaround + Depature & Arrival Airport Charts + Pilot Presentations + Cabin Presentation FILM TRAILER DOWNLOAD STORE JUST PLANES #etihad #a380 #abudhabi

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